File Download: 88-619



In Re

Complainant: Employee
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 88-619 – September 30, 1992

Board of Trustees: Joseph P. Connors, Sr., Chairman; Paul R. Dean, Trustee; William Miller, Trustee; Elliot A. Segal, Trustee.

根据美国煤矿工人联合会(“UMWA”)1950年福利计划和信托的第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人已经审查了有关根据雇主福利计划条款提供胃吻合器福利的争议的事实和情况.

Background Facts

该雇员的配偶被转介给外科专家评估她是否可能进行胃吻合器手术. 根据外科医生的医疗记录,他的配偶身高5英尺,体重248磅. 同一份医疗记录表明,以她的身高和体型,女性的理想体重是123磅. 标准的桌子显示理想的重量范围是104到137磅,这取决于框架的大小. 外科医生指出,患者表现出舒张期高血压136/90,但没有已知的骨关节炎或糖尿病状态, or hypertension in the past. 外科医生进一步指出,雇员的配偶在过去的17年里尝试了各种各样的减肥计划,但都没有成功. Additionally, 外科医生表示,由于病态肥胖和其他治疗方式的无效,她是胃吻合器手术的明确候选人.

The Employer denied the $90.00 charge for the surgical consultation on April 10, 1992 and a $1.1992年4月10日的费用被列为杂项提供者,但后来支付了这些费用. In addition, 雇主拒绝了雇员配偶胃吻合器手术的请求, 说明配偶未能提供证据证明存在需要这种治疗的潜在疾病.

The Employee requests that the Trustees determine whether or not the Employer is, in this case, 须为雇员配偶拟进行的胃吻合器手术提供福利.



Positions of the Parties


雇主职位:雇主不需要为雇员配偶的胃吻合术提供福利. 而雇员的配偶可能符合病理性和病态肥胖的要求, her hypertension is borderline and there are no other medical complications involved; therefore, 该程序的医疗必要性和适当性尚未确定.

Pertinent Provisions


承保的服务应限于诊断或治疗疾病或伤害的合理和必要的服务,并以适当的护理水平提供, or are otherwise provided for in the Plan. 医生规定的程序或护理水平并不意味着它在医学上是合理的或必要的,也不意味着它在本计划范围内。.

Article III. A. (11) (a) 25. of the Employer Benefit Plan states in pertinent part:

(11) General Exclusions

(a) In addition to the specific exclusions otherwise contained in the Plan, benefits are also not provided for the following:

25. Charges for treatment of obesity, except for pathological, 病态形式的严重肥胖(200%或更多的理想体重),事先获得计划管理者的批准.

Q&A 81-20 states in pertinent part:

Subject: Surgical Treatment of Obesity

References:Amended 1950 & 1974 Plans & Trusts, Article III, Section A (3)(f) and A (11)(a) 25.




(1) The Beneficiary has a pathological, morbid form of severe obesity (two or more times the desirable weight);

(2) other, more conservative therapies have been tried and proved unsuccessful; and

(3) prior approval has been obtained from the Plan Administrator.


雇主福利计划第三条导言指出,所涵盖的服务是治疗疾病的合理和必要的服务. Article III. A. (11) (a)《官方网站》第25条不包括治疗肥胖症的保险,除非受益人患有肥胖症, morbid form of severe obesity, and prior approval is obtained from the Plan Administrator. Additionally, 其他形式的更保守的治疗方法肯定被尝试过,但被证明是不成功的.

而雇员的配偶似乎超过了理想体重的200%,因此符合计划对严重肥胖的定义, 雇员配偶的外科医生指出,尝试了各种更保守的措施,但都没有持续的成功, 记录中没有证据表明她表现出其他医疗并发症(例如.g., severe hypertension, diabetes melitis, or cardiovascular problems) which would make surgery medically-necessary. 计划管理人拒绝批准手术的事实是没有争议的.


Because the requirements for surgical coverage have not been satisfied, 受托人认为雇主拒绝事先批准雇员配偶的胃吻合术是合理的.

Opinion of the Trustees
