File Download: 78-112



In Re

Complainant: Employee
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No. 112 July 24, 1980

Board of Trustees: Harrison Combs, Chairman; John J. O’Connell, Trustee; Paul R. Dean, Trustee.

根据1950年美国联合煤矿工人福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条,并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人审查了这一纠纷的事实和情况,涉及因事故而需要的牙科服务的保险范围,并在此提出他们对此事的意见.

Background Facts

投诉人是一名在职矿工,有资格享受雇主计划规定的健康福利. 雇员受抚养的女儿上颌骨复合骨折, avulsion of two central incisors, severe lacerations and abrasions of the face, oral mucosa, and gingiva in a bicycle accident on July 4, 1978. The attending oral surgeon performed closed reduction of the compound fracture of the maxilla; reimplanted two central incisors; and repaired the lacerations of the face, for which the total charge was $150.00. 这笔费用由保险公司全额支付, 按照计划的口腔外科规定(第三条), Section A, (3) (e)).

On July 31, 1979, 由于这两颗牙在再植后不长,主治口腔外科医生拔除了这两颗上颌中切牙. 咨询牙医和主治口腔外科医生当时认为有必要植入局部假牙来代替在事故中受伤的天然牙齿. 保险公司否认了与部分事故有关的费用, 因为所有牙科服务都不在本计划的承保范围内.



Position of Parties

Complainant: 保险公司负责与这些服务相关的费用,因为这些服务是事故的直接结果. Secondly, 重新植入这两个门牙的费用由保险公司支付.

Respondent: 牙科服务被明确排除在该计划之外. 事故发生后立即提供的初始服务的总费用已包括在内,因为这是一项受保服务的费用,不超过骨折闭合复位和面部撕裂修复的合理和习惯费用.

口腔外科医生是否分别为这两个门牙的植入开出了账单, that charge would have been denied, 因为牙科服务不在保险范围内.


Applicable Regulations

• Article III, 雇主计划第A (3) (e)条规定了某些口腔外科手术的保险范围, not including partial dentures.

• 第三条,A (10) (A)(19)部分明确将牙科服务排除在保险范围之外.

• 1980年4月16日的《皇冠搏彩中心》第48号规定如下:

Subject: Dental and Oral Surgical Services

References: 修订1950年和1974年的福利计划和信托,第三条

第A (1) (g)条和第A (3) (e)条其他:1978年合同Q&A #23, #88



a. extraction of teeth?
b. gingivectomy, alveolectomy, operculectomy?
c. gingivoplasty, alveoplasty, vestibuloplasty?
d. treatment for abscessed teeth?
e. resection of prognathic mandible?
f. mandibular bone staple?
g. orthodontics?


上面列出的牙科和口腔外科手术, when performed in a hospital, 只有当它们是治疗疾病或受伤的一部分时才被包括在保险范围内. Examples of this would be: (1) the extraction of teeth during treatment for an accident involving extensive facial damage; (2) the extraction of teeth during treatment for concerns of the head and mouth; or (3) the insertion of a mandibular bone staple to repair a fractured jaw. Except as provided in the above paragraph, 1978年《皇冠搏彩中心网站》不包括这七项程序.

牙科服务特别不包括在保险范围内, 除了在第A (3) (e)条口腔外科福利下列出的人。. These include surgical treatment for:

– tumors of the jaw
– fractures of the facial bones


According to the provisions of Q&A #48, 某些牙科和口腔外科手术只有当它们是受伤治疗的一部分时才包括在保险范围内.


Q&第48条明确规定,只有当伤害治疗的一部分属于承保福利时,牙科服务才被承保. In this case, 拔下两个门牙,用部分假牙代替, 上颌骨骨折不作为治疗的一部分吗, 而且会被排除在牙科服务之外.

Opinion of Trustees
